Foundation Skills Assessment
The Foundation Skills Assessment (FSA) is an annual assessment of students’ reading, writing and numeracy skills. FSA is B.C.’s earliest provincial indicator of student performance and provides strong evidence of future student achievement. The FSA is the first of four times in a student’s K-12 education when they participate in provincial assessments: Grade 4, Grade 7, and twice during the graduation years in Grades 10-12.
The purpose of the FSA is to:
Provide system level information on student performance
Provide districts and schools with information on student performance.
Support decision making (interventions, planning, resource allocation, curriculum, policy, research)
The new FSA will be administered in the fall, which means teachers will have student results earlier in the school year. This information will support decision making in the classroom and at the school and will provide districts and the Ministry of Education with important information on how well students are progressing in reading, writing, and numeracy.
FSA is meant to complement the information teachers collect on student performance through ongoing methods of assessment.