ELL (English Language Learners) students are children whose primary language or languages of the home are other than English and whose knowledge of English are too limited to allow them to function successfully in an English-speaking school or society. When ELL students have completed a number of years of study with ELL support, they may not necessarily have acquired a native-like competency in English.
ELL students may have a fairly high level of oral fluency, but their knowledge and understanding of more academic language in the areas of reading and writing may still need work. Students who have ELL needs often require monitoring by all teaching staff to ensure that they are continuing to experience success.
ELL at the School
At the elementary and secondary level, students are registered in their own home school. After an initial English language assessment, ELL assistance is provided by specialist ELL teachers or by school based Learning Assistance Resource teachers trained in giving ELL instruction. ELL students in secondary schools are integrated gradually with content area courses as their language practicing in English increases.
ELL students need instruction that is appropriate to the student’s age, grade level, proficiency in English and their first language as well as previous educational experience. Please contact your child’s administrator, teacher or ELL specialist for more information.
The philosophy our ELL service is consistent with the British Columbia Ministry of Education:
"It is the policy of the Government of British Columbia to ensure that all British Columbians have equal access to programs and services." (Multicultural Policy of British Columbia, 1990)
“Equity of access to services, facilities, and resources should be provided for students for whom English is a second language.” (English as a Second Language Policy Framework Ministry of Education, 1999)