Reading in Foundational Years

Abbotsford School District's Pillars of Reading

Effective early reading instruction enables all children to become fluent readers who comprehend what they are reading, can apply and communicate their knowledge and skills in new contexts, and have a strong motivation to read.  The goal of this literacy framework is to support schools with instructional strategies and observable indicators, which in turn supports the pillars of reading as developed by our school district think tanks.  The School District Achievement Contract recognizes the importance of early learning for our students in order to build strong foundation skills for literacy development in the later grades as they continue their educational journey in our district so they leave with a strong finish.  Early learning programs, developed in partnership with government agenices and community organizations, and identified in the Early Learning Operational Plan,help ensure that more students enter Kindergarten with the skills that will help them be successful in school.  Abbotsford is making great progress in the goal of making every child successful in reading by grade three, so that they will have a joy of reading which will take them far as they continue their educational journey through our school district.